Using Text Files During VHDL Simulation
VHDL provides a method for accessing files which is useful during simulation when the input stimuli cannot be easily described using conventional VHDL statements or when we want to log results. First, we must declare the file type. For example, if the file will contain text, then we must declare a file of type "string" - this requires the textio package which comes as part of VHDL's built-in libraries:
- use std.textio.all;
- architecture arctbench of tbench is
-   type textfile is file of string; -- file of text
-   type intfile is file of integer; -- file of integers
- begin
..once the file type is declared, we can declare a "file object" which uses that type:
- file myfile:text open write_mode is "logfile.txt";
This line of code can be better explained if broken down into its various parts:
- myfile: the file object name
- text: the file type
- write_mode: the access mode
- logfile.txt: the file logical name
The first thing to notice is that the file seems to have 2 names - the file object name is the one that you use to reference the file in your VHDL code, the file logical name is the name that the operating system (Windows, Linux, etc) uses for the file. The access mode specifies how the file will be used and has 3 possible values:
- read_mode: reads from an existing file.
- write_mode: creates an empty file to be written.
- append_mode: data is added to the end of an existing file or a new one is created.
Reading from files
Now that we know how declare a file for reading, we need to know how to read the values from the file. This is done by using 2 procedures available from the textio package:
- readline (filename, linename) : reads a line from the file filename and stores it in a variable of type line called linename.
- read (linename, variablename) : reads an element from the line linename and stores it to variablename.'s an example of how to use them:
- use std.textio.all;
- .
- .
- architecture arctbench of tbench is
-   -- file declaration
-   -- type "text" is already declared in textio library
-   file datainfile : text open read_mode is "datain.txt";
- begin
-   process
-     -- file variables
-     variable vdatainline : line;
-     variable vdatain : bit_vector(7 downto 0);
-   begin
-     for i in 0 to 7 loop          -- read 8 lines
-       wait until (s_clk'event and s_clk = '1');
-       readline (datainfile, vdatainline);        -- read line from input file
-       read (vdatainline, vdatain);                -- read the 1st 8 bits from line
-       datainout <= to_stdlogicvector(vdatain);    -- send to data input
-   end loop;
- end process;
..there are some restrictions on the type of variable that can used with the read and write procedures - they must be one of the following:
- bit
- bit_vector
- boolean
- character
- integer
- real
- string
- time
Writing to files
Writing to a file is very similar to reading, first the file must be declared with the access mode set to either write_mode or append mode, then each line must be created and then written to the file. There are two procedures in the textio library to do this
- writeline (filename, linename) : writes a line called linename to a file with object name filename.
- write (linename, variablename) : writes an element stored in variablename to the line linename.
In this example, then value of dataout is written into a file with logical name dataoutfile:
- process (clk)
-   variable vdataout : bit_vector(7 downto 0);  -- variable written to line
-   variable vdataoutline : line;                -- line variable written to file
- begin
-   if (datavalid = '1') then
-     vdataout := to_bitvector(dataout);        -- convert dataout to bit_vector
-     write (vdataoutline, vdataout);           -- write variable to line
-     writeline (dataoutfile, vdataoutline);    -- write line to file
-   end if;
- end process;
A text functions library
The VHDL procedures for reading and writing files are a bit cumbersome to use. Stefan Doll has written a library that contains functions that make it
much easier to read & write files. I have added a couple of extra functions; hchar_to_slv which converts a single hexadecimal character to a 4-bit
std_logic_vector and printt which prints a string to a file with the current simuation time appended to the end - this makes it easy to correlate
the printed message to the simulation waveforms.
The library can be downloaded here.
To use this library, just declare it in the usual way - it contains 2 packages: text_util
and conv_util
- library sim_util;
- use sim_util.text_util.all;
- use sim_util.conv_util.all;